The technical description is a document that contains a report and a plan in which a land surveyor describes one or many land parcels. This document includes the measurements and directions of the boundaries, neighbouring lots (in terms of width), extending lots (lengthwise) and the surface area of one or many land parcels.
Cadastral surveying consists in creating new lots i.e., separating, recombining or subdividing one or many lots. Upon the client’s request, the land surveyor prepares a plan in which the dimensions of the new lot or the lots to be created are presented. The plan is first presented to the municipality in which the property is located to ensure that the project complies with the subdivision by-law. The land surveyor then sends the cadastral survey plan to the Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec (the Quebec Ministry of Natural Ressources) for approval. Finally, once everything is formalized, the new lots are recorded in the Land Register.
The certificate of location is a document that contains a report and a plan in which the land surveyor expresses his professional opinion on the situation and the actual condition of a property. Among other things, it identifies property titles, cadastral data and any applicable laws and regulations.
Boundary marking is a surveying operation that serves to permanently establish the boundaries of one or more properties. During this procedure, the owners of the contiguous lots for which the land surveyor is to determine one or more limits must intervene. Usually, the owners choose to proceed with boundary marking in the event of a dispute.